Leadership & Management

Schools Plus Leadership and Management support is aimed at developing and inspiring great leadership teams. We will work with you to design, deliver and manage a professional development programme that perfectly suits your school’s needs.

Proven ability to support leadership development at all stages

Our Leadership partners support and strengthen leadership at all levels, empowering headteachers, governors and senior leaders to build leadership capacity, deliver whole-school improvement, secure better teaching and learning, and manage complex organisations more effectively

From single INSET days with all staff, to collections of days, surveys and assessments focussing on a particular area or team within the school.

Our advisers can provide you with a summary of the many ways in which you can develop your staff, school and management team so that pupils receive the best possible education.

Because each school is unique any support package is specific and bespoke, dependent upon need and context. We have supported a large number of schools in a variety of ways.

The main aim of any support is always to:

Recent work has focused on such issues as:

This is carried through by a range of activities, designed in conjunction with the school, aimed at developing hard and soft skills, extending the team ethic and ensuring senior leaders can support and sustain effective change.


These depend upon the nature and length of time of the support and are negotiated when agreeing the scope of the work.

Key Benefits:

Online Management System

Our online systems provides resources for leaders and teachers to work together to:

The system provides a group level view so that best practice can be identified and shared, consistency of approach and development can be managed and so that an evaluation of the group level impact can be assessed by Senior Leaders.