Data Analysis

Data Drop Analysis

Our expert Data Analysts can interpret school data captures, produce Key Headline Measures and summarise Performance Measures for all subjects.

We will also provide:

Inspection Dashboard Summary Report (IDSR)

The DfE’s Analyse School Performance (ASP) has now been replaced with the Ofsted Inspection Dashboard. This is the core data that Ofsted Inspectors analyse before they come to inspect your school. Our expert Data Analysts will interpret and summarise your school’s current and previous performances. Trends are carefully analysed to compare focus groups such as Disadvantaged (Pupil Premium), Gender, SEND and EAL performance within school, local area and national levels. With this we can suggest what Ofsted Inspectors may focus on and support your school ensure you are fully prepared with action plans to move to closing the gaps in performance.

EYFS / KS1 / SK2 SATs Reports

SATs results are released early July. Our expert Data Analysts will interpret and summarise your school’s current and previous performances. Trends are carefully analysed to compare focus groups such as Disadvantaged (Pupil Premium), Gender, SEND and EAL performance within school, local area and national levels. We can support your school to accurately update your Self-Evaluation and School Improvement/Development Plans.